While software purchases should be treated like other purchases in regards to the University’s Purchasing Guidelines, there are some unique aspects to consider. Please see tips below for software purchases:
- Always check UA OIT’s software catalog first to see if the software you are seeking, or a similar tool, is already available. If you, or someone else in your department, has a question about an existing software tool’s capabilities, contact Cathy Rainey. OIT may have a software tool that fits your department’s need.
- If not available through OIT, please check to see if available through a UA Approved Contract vendor. If you are not sure if the software is available from a contract vendor, please reach out to Purchasing for assistance.
- If you know the software you are seeking will be over $75,000, please contact Purchasing early in the process for guidance as the software may be subject to bid requiring additional steps.
- Most software companies require the licensee (UA in this case) to sign an agreement of some type. Any agreement that requires a signature will need to be submitted through Contract Management’s Procurement Contract Portal for review and execution.
OIT typically reviews all technology agreements prior to execution, however, it may be beneficial to seek their guidance early in the process to ensure there are no concerns with support for your acquisition before getting too far into the process. OIT recommends reviewing and adhering to their IT Use Guidelines for Software as a Service (SAAS) acquisitions.