Does the information entered into buyBAMA copy over to Concur?

No, these are two separate systems. buyBAMA handles ordering and receiving, not P-Card reconciliation.  Since the source of funds may play a factor in the approval of a purchase, the FOAP must be entered for Catalog orders. The FOAP is also used to determine the approval workflow for the transaction.

Do I need to place all of my orders through buyBAMA?

No.  At this time, buyBAMA will be utilized to place credit card orders with the Catalog Vendors that you see on buyBAMA’s home page, and to submit Non-Catalog Orders.  Purchases made by credit card with vendors outside of buyBAMA are allowed and will not be affected.  Please refer to the Order Placement section of the Purchasing Guidelines for associate information.

How long does buyBAMA retain my order information?

Once you begin using buyBAMA it will track and keep up with all orders and anything attached to an order indefinitely.  It will be the new repository for all those documents.

How can I cross reference the Purchase Order number to the Transaction number?

Once the Non-Catalog order has been approved completely, a PO number is issued.  You will see this recorded in the header of the order in buyBAMA.  You can also search by the PO number or Transaction number to find the order.

How do the different approver roles work?

The approver function is broken into two roles:  Approver One and Approver Two.  Approver One reviews all Non-Catalog Orders and Catalog Orders over $10,000.  Approver Two reviews all orders over $15,000 after Approver One has approved the order.  Some departments or divisions may choose to have a pool of 2 or 3 possible approvers at each level who could take turns approving orders.  Alternatively, they may also choose to require more than one approval at each level.  Please see our reference guide on buyBAMA Roles.

What information needs to be attached for Non-Catalog Orders associated with Contract and Grant funding?”

Please attach documentation that clearly shows the PI’s approval for the purchase along with a detailed justification on how this relates, benefits, and is applicable to the project.  This could be an email or a scanned version of the request with signature as long as the documentation is clear on what is being approved.  Please contact your Contract and Grant Accountant with specific concerns.

Directory listing by Agency.

What information do I need to include for P-Card orders that are over the standard single purchase limit?

For Catalog Orders over $10,000, it is necessary to enter the following information in the internal notes on the Checkout screen.

    • Cardholder’s name
    • Last 4 digits of the card number

Once the requester submits the order it will be routed through the approval queue which includes P-Card Services for single purchase limit increase and then returned for the credit card information to be entered.

How do I handle orders for regulated chemicals?” more=”How do I handle orders for regulated chemicals?”]

Regulated chemicals require special tracking, and must be shipped to Environmental Health and Safety.  Please see our reference guide on Ordering Chemicals.

Once I submit my credit card order, how do I get my receipt?

After you submit your credit card order, you will receive an order transmission confirmation from buyBAMA.  Once the vendor begins processing your order, they will email your receipt and keep you up to date on your order status.

Is receiving required for all orders?

Receiving is not required in buyBAMA.  If you wish to receive items, for informational purposes, you may still do so.  All receiving is done through Concur PO Invoices.

How do I complete receiving?

Please see our reference guide on Receiving.

I closed receiving on an order before all of my items were received.  How do I re-open an order for receiving?

Please see our reference guide on Re-Opening Orders for Receiving.

What training is available?

Training is based on the role that the user is assigned.  Please see our reference guide on buyBAMA Training. Please email if you would like one-on-one or group training.

Is there a way for the shopper to add a note to the requester?

Unfortunately, that feature is not available at this time though we understand that the system provider is developing this as a future upgrade.  We will make an announcement when it becomes available, but for now, you will have to handle this communication outside of buyBAMA.

How do I enter a standing PO in buyBAMA?

buyBAMA does not have an option for standing POs at this time.  As a work around, we will transpose the quantity and unit price fields to give us the flexibility we need.  In the item detail, enter the total amount for the PO in the quantity field and $1.00 as the unit price.  (Ex. A standing PO for $75,000 would have a quantity of 75,000 and a unit price of $1.00.)  This work around will allow for partial receiving along the way against the PO.

When I type in the FOAP, the number disappears when I move to the next field.  How do I correct this problem?” more=”When I type in the FOAP, the number disappears when I move to the next field.  How do I correct this problem?”]

Think of the FOAP fields (Chart, Fund, Org, Account, Program) as search boxes.  When you type information into the box, buyBAMA reaches out to Banner to find values that correspond with what you have typed, and a choice list is displayed.  You must choose the value from the choice list to proceed.  When you have typed the whole code, your choice list will only include one item highlighted in blue.  Click the blue box to confirm your entry.

Since this process requires buyBAMA to communicate with Banner, the choice list might be slightly delayed.  If your choice doesn’t appear, hit backspace to delete the last number and give it just a second to catch up.

When I try to submit a Non-Catalog Order, I receive an error stating that I do not have access to the Fund, Organization, or both. What do I need to do?

Access to Fund and Organization Numbers are given through Financial Accounting. Please submit the Banner Finance Access Form:

Banner Finance Access (DocuSign) – This form should be completed for new or current users of the Banner Finance system. Any changes in Banner Finance Security should be requested by the Banner User or Fiscal Budget Manager of the appropriate department/division. The Dean, Director, Department Head or Fiscal Budget Manager of the department/division should provide a signature approval of the request.